
Tack for Sale
Drop-Off Locations
HCC Gazal Endurance Horse Retirement Fund
AirMed Care


Fo rmany years we held an annual tack sale.  We now have our own tack store where we sell quality used tack year-round.  Thank you to all who volunteer their time and efforts to make this happen!


100% of this money goes toward feed and care for the herd. Any amount is deeply appreciated.  Donate to honor a special friend or animal, and we will place your tribute on our website here.

Two ways to contribute:

  • Use Pay Pal by clicking on the Donations button on the right which will take you to PayPal, or
  • Send a check to:
    Horses’ Honor Rescue
    P.O. Box 30072
    Walnut Creek, CA 94598-9072


The locations below will take your donated items for our Tack Store.

Horses’ Honor has created the HCC Gazal Endurance Horse Retirement Fund in collaboration with the queen of endurance riding, Julie Suhr.  When donating to this fund please note it on your donation.  This photo is of Julie and Gazal. He won the Haggin Cup three times! The Haggin Cup is awarded after the Tevis Cup Ride  to the rider whose horse is in the “most superior physical condition” of the first ten horses to cross the finish line.

Julie and Gazal

These earmarked funds support retired endurance horses who could join our herd as space is available and be supported for life.





AirMed Care

Here’s another way to support Horses’ Honor, and protect yourself as well! AirMed Care provides coverage if you need to be air-lifted long distance to medical care after a horse, auto, or motorcycle accident. Horses’ Honor receives a donation from AirMed Care for every policy purchased from THIS FLYER. More details at their website.