Our 2024 Buy-A-Bale is in full swing! Please see the flyer below for how to donate. We hope you will join in our fundraiser, Buy-A-Bale!
100% of this money goes toward feed and care for the herd. Any amount is deeply appreciated. Donate to honor a special friend or animal, and we will place your tribute on our website.
Two ways to contribute:
- Use Pay Pal by clicking on the PayPal link on the right, or
- Send a check to:
Horses’ Honor Rescue
P.O. Box 30072
Walnut Creek, CA 94598-9072
2024 Donors:
- Kathryn Spksma
- Ralph DeFranco
- Jan Deming – In memory of Laitin and Laura Dwyer
- Susan Palo
- Meredith Rosen
- Carrie Andrews – in honor of Irish draught horse, “Kelson”
- Carol Armour – in honor of Standardbred horse, “Bill”
- Linda Slaughter
- Lisa Breuner
- Melani Van Petten In memory of Quarter Horse, Bella
- Gary & Catherine Camarda
- Pamela Garrels
- Sarah Christopherson
- James Guignard
- Ed & Pinky Hipp In honor of Han, “Brody”. Brody was 36 years ol and was the kindest horse we ever had. He was a junior hunter till he was in his 20’s after that he was a dressage horse. I showed him into his 30’s.
- Diane Rehberg In memory of Running Quarter Horse “Scorpio” (37 years old)
- Jay Cochran In memory of Arabian “Cheyenne”
- Judy Gillian In memory of Mary Grace Davidson, horsewoman, instructor, dressage judge and very dear friend.
- Mark and Joan Treadwell
- Barbara White In memory of “Layla and Phoeniz”
- Warner Louis & Joan Tyree
- Maggie Carroll
- Lori Wolfley
- Deirdre Bigus for Hannah Warmer in memory of “ Dyno”
- Carrie Andrews in memory of Irish Draught, “Kelston”
- Robert Kaplan to honor human, Judy Gillivan
- Melody Sorensen In honor of Missouri Foxtrotted, “Strider”
- Carol Dougherty – in memory of cat, “Charles Barkley”
- Linda Wuy – in memory of Tennessee Walker, “Baylee”
- Judith Rothman – in memory of Arabian, “Dunbarton”
- Mia Kessler
- Jeane Wechsler
- Bob & Donna Ellis
- Pam Nunley
- Elizabeth Hoople
- Evana Guy
- Suzy McMinn – in memory of Standardbred, “Cheyenne”
- Sue Stack – in honor of Niña Thompson
- Carole Mason
- Jill Owens
- Vickie Nuetzel
- Leslie Spellman – in memory of Mary Grace Davidson, and in thanks for our (“Kiwi” and “Leslie”) time at Lucky Acres
- Kirsten Meyer
- Karen Peel – in memory of Tennessee Walker, “Brandy”
- Matthew Gary
- Mari Alper – in honor of Judy Gillivan
- Joanne Ciazinski
- Rich Andersen
- Ann Stephens
- Gary & Julie Bush
- Laurel Edgecomb -in honor of Judy Gillivan, who told me about HH. And in memory of my Quarter horse, “Storm”, aged 33, and an HH mare, dead long ago, whose teeth I paid to repair
- Julie Alt
- Robert Paculnes
- Bonnie McLaverty
- Katie Warner – in memory of TB ,“Gabe”
- Alison Krampetz
- Kathie Long – in memory of Morgan, “Sandy”
- Tammy Brown – in memory of Appaloosa, “JF Arrow”
- Cherie Garcia-Day – in memory of Arabian “Enough Said”
- Brenda De La Ossa
- Pamela Meador-Cardin
- Debra Davidson
- Mary Misenhimer – in honor of Registered TB, “Jerry”
- Nancy Bartman
- Norma Franchi – in honor of Appaloosa, “Arnie”
- Bob Marx, Summit Ranch – in memory of Arabian, “Monty”
- Steve & Nancy Fischer
- Deborah Garcia
- Elaine Hill
- Elaine Feinstein – in honor of French bulldog, “Bacon”
- Bonnie Forslin
- Melanie Van Petten, In memory of Quarter Horse, Bella. She was a good girl — I miss her every day.
- Debra Duffer
- Lesile Anderson
- Kathryn Spyksma
- American Charities